Mission + Vision Statement

Our Mission Statement

Our mission at Her Shot Golf is to introduce young women of color to golf as a transformative tool for networking, leadership development, and personal growth. Through our comprehensive program, participants will not only learn the game of golf, but will also gain valuable life skills that extend far beyond the course.

Her Shot is committed to equipping these women with the confidence, connections, and resources they need to thrive in the business world. By the time they graduate, they will be empowered to excel in their careers, break down traditional barriers, and seize the opportunities that golf provides.

We aim to inspire and empower young women of color through the power of golf, with a bold vision to grow from 25 girls in our inaugural year to 25,000 by 2030. Our program fosters an inclusive and supportive environment where participants not only master the fundamentals of the game but also develop the leadership abilities, confidence, and resilience needed to become future CEOs, leaders, and executives.

With 95% of women in C-suite positions having a sports background, we are committed to giving our girls the same foundation of discipline and teamwork that has helped so many others succeed. At Her Shot, we believe that no one truly understands inclusion until they’ve experienced exclusion, and we are determined to break down barriers and create new opportunities.

Through Her Shot Golf, we’re not just teaching the game—we’re building the future.

Our Vision Statement

Our vision is to empower young women of color with the life skills, confidence, and networks gained through the game of golf, preparing them to excel in the corporate world. By integrating golf into their professional development, we aim to dismantle barriers and ensure they are comfortable, confident, and equipped to thrive in a post-DEI landscape with a competitive edge as they embark on their careers.

We envision a future where every girl, regardless of her background, has the opportunity to discover golf and the invaluable lessons it offers. By breaking down barriers and creating pathways to success, we are not only transforming the face of golf but also fostering a legacy of inclusion, leadership, and excellence that will resonate for generations. Her Shot Golf is more than just a program—it is a movement designed to inspire and uplift, ensuring that every girl knows she has a place in the game and a voice in shaping its future. We are dedicated to leading the charge in making golf more inclusive, diverse, and representative, and to creating a future where every young woman has the chance to shine.

“No One Really Understands Inclusion Unless They’ve Been Excluded”

-Billy Jean King